Frequently asked questions

  • The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program that helps income-qualified families with home heating and cooling costs.

    FloridaCommerce administers LIHEAP and allocates funding directly to a network of community action agencies, also known as local agency providers, located throughout the state of Florida. If your household is approved for LIHEAP, funds will be applied directly to your energy utility account.

  • You may be eligible if:

    • You have a household total income of 60% or less of the Florida State Median Income or 150% of Federal Poverty Level OR you receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
    • You are responsible for paying your home heating or cooling bills,
    • You are a resident of Florida and
    • At least one person in your household is a U.S. Citizen, permanent resident or qualified alien of the U.S.
  • LIHEAP funds can be used for:

    • Costs for heating or cooling related usage: electric, gas, propane, wood, coal, or refillable fuels
      • Including taxes
      • Can be used on past due bills
    • Deposits or fees to start-up, connect or restore energy
    • Late fees and disconnection fees

    LIHEAP funds CANNOT be used for:

    • Non-energy services, including water, sewer, internet or telephone.
    • Fees related to meter tampering or returned checks.

    If you are eligible, award payments will be made directly to your utility company on your behalf. Note that you may be required to make additional payments before your service can be restored if you owe more than the award amount.

  • You have a few options to complete a LIHEAP application:

    • Apply online here through this website. Online applications have the fastest processing time.
    • Complete a hardcopy application and mail it to your local LIHEAP provider. Find your provider here.
    • Contact your local LIHEAP Provider for support to complete an application if you are unable to do so online or by mail. Find your provider here.
  • Yes, you can apply for LIHEAP. Please note that LIHEAP applications need to be reviewed by a LIHEAP Provider.

    If you need immediate help:

    • Call 9-1-1 if the situation is a life-threatening emergency.
    • Call 2-1-1 to find out what other agencies may be able to assist you.
  • Your household is eligible for LIHEAP if your gross total income last calendar month is equal or below the maximum monthly income outlined below.

    Household sizeMax monthly income for 2025
  • LIHEAP includes two types of awards: Home Energy & Crisis. The award types have different requirements, and your household can receive both.

    Home Energy

    The amount your household is eligible for is based on how many people are in your household, your household’s gross income for last month, and whether your household includes any elderly, children, or people with disabilities.

    Your household can only receive Home Energy benefits one time per year, which resets one year after the last award.

    Awards are based on funds available in your county.


    If your utility service is disconnected or you have received a warning about disconnection for non-payment, then your household may be eligible for a Crisis award. The award amount is the eligible amount that would resolve the crisis (such as restoring utility service), up to a $2000 maximum. Note that you may be required to make additional payments before your service can be restored if you owe more than the award amount.

    Households can receive multiple crisis awards in a year, up to the $2000 maximum. Eligibility resets on October 1st.

    Depending on the funds available in your county, you may be able to apply for assistance multiple times a year.

  • To receive LIHEAP - at least ONE member of the household must be a United States citizen or a qualified alien. Households can apply even if all household members are not citizens or qualified aliens.

    You must report the income of all household members (including those who are not citizens or qualified aliens) in the income information for the household.

    Qualified statuses

    • US citizen

    • Permanent resident (“green card holders”)

    • Refugee

    • Alien granted asylum

    • Alien whose deportation is withheld

    • Cuban or Haitian entrant

    • Alien who has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty while in the US

    • Alien who is the victim of trafficking

    • Lawful alien who is active duty in the US Armed Forces, or a veteran with an honorable discharge after minimum 24 months of active duty or a lawful alien who is the spouse or unremarried surviving spouse of the former

  • If you are responsible for paying for your energy utility service, you can apply for LIHEAP.

    • If your utility bill is in your name (or a member of your household’s name), provide your utility bill when asked.
    • If your utility bill is not in your name, then provide the bill and information to show that you are responsible for your utility bill, such as a lease or note from your landlord indicating how you pay for utilities.
    • Names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers of all household members
    • Income information and documents for all household members for last month
    • Proof of identification for the primary applicant
    • Citizenship and immigration documents
    • Benefits letters (if applicable)
    • Most recent home energy utility bill
    • Notice of disconnection of services or termination notices (if applicable)
  • Households need to provide all income documents, for all income sources for the previous month. All documentation must show the name of the recipient, dates, and gross (pre-tax and deductions) amount.

    Types of documents that will be accepted:

    • Payroll statement or pay stub that shows gross (pre-tax) income

      • Note that payroll checks or deposits to bank accounts are not sufficient, as they do not show gross income
    • Written statement from employer

    • Letters or notices from the Social Security Administration, or other governmental agencies

    • Bank statements for income & dividends

    • Profit & loss statements for self-employed

  • Please reference the list of countable income under the question "What qualifies as income?" to ensure you did not earn anything last month.

    If none of the members in your household earned any income last month, select "No income" on the Income sources and amounts section of the application. When prompted for income documents, provide a signed note saying you did not earn income last month as your documentation.

  • Countable income

    • Wages and salaries before any deductions, including tips and gratuities
    • Self-employment income
    • Contract income and Commissions
    • Interest, dividends, or royalties
    • Payments from mortgage or sales contracts
    • Strike pay
    • Social Security Administration benefits like Retirement, Survivors’ benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and disability benefits
    • Veterans Administration (VA) benefits
    • Retirement and pension benefits, including from private pensions and government employee pensions (including military retirement pay)
    • General Assistance benefits or other cash benefits programs
    • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
    • One-time lump-sum payments, such as rebates/credits, winnings from lotteries, refund deposits
    • Net gambling or lottery winnings
    • Net rental income
    • Child support and alimony
    • Regular insurance or annuity payments
    • Training stipends


    Common types of income that are EXCLUDED

    • Non-cash benefit programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), school lunches, or housing assistance
    • Income of minors
    • Employer-paid or union-paid portion of health insurance or other employee fringe benefits
    • Reimbursements for expenses (e.g. for mileage, gas, lodging, meals)
    • Unemployment compensation
    • Loans
    • Cash gifts, including one-time payments from a welfare agency, church, or social organization to a family or person who is in temporary financial difficulty
    • Jury duty compensation
    • Legal settlements
    • Insurance payments made for the repayment of a bill or debt
    • Income tax refunds
    • Foster care benefits
    • College scholarships, loans, or grants
  • All household members need to provide proof of their citizenship status. The following types of documents will meet the documentation requirements:


    • Florida driver’s license or state ID
    • United States passport (valid up to 1 year expired)
    • A birth certificate issued by any state, territory or local government of the United States (copies are accepted)
    • Certificate of Naturalization: Form N-550 or N-570
    • Certificate of Citizenship: Form N-560 or N-561
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA): Form FS-240
    • Older forms of citizenship proof, including Form I-197 or I-179, or US Citizenship Identification Card

    Permanent residents

    • Permanent Resident Card (I-551), also known as a “Green Card”
    • Unexpired foreign passport stamped by the U.S. Government indicating that the holder has been "Processed for I-551"
    • Arrival Departure Form I-94 with “Temporary I-551” stamp and photo
    • Permanent Resident Re-entry Permit or any travel document issued to Permanent Residents (I-327)

    Other immigration statuses

    • Foreign passport with a stamp or visa that indicates a qualified status
    • Travel document issued to Refugees (I-571)
    • Form I-94 stamped with one of the following statuses: Asylee, Parolee or Parole, Refugee, Asylum, HP-humanitarian parolee, PIP-public interest parolee, or Cuban/Haitian Entrant
    • An order from a government agency or judge indicating status or action associated with an immigration case
  • The applicant will need to provide identification. Identification is not required for any other household members than the applicant.

    The following types of documents are accepted:

    • Driver’s license or State ID
    • Passport
    • Immigration verification (green card)
    • Military Photo ID or VA Identification card with DD214
    • Certificate of Naturalization
    • Employment Authorization Card
  • Please provide a copy of your most recent utility bill and any disconnection notice if relevant. Be sure the utility provider’s name and your account number and service address are visible and easy to read.

    For other energy usage such as propane, where you do not receive a monthly bill, please provide a copy of the most recent receipt for services.

  • You must provide all required documentation. Check your application status page to see if any documentation is missing. If there are missing documents, please upload them as soon as possible.

    It can take up to 15 business days to review an application. Your local LIHEAP provider will review your application and notify you if it is approved or denied.

    If you have any questions about an application you submitted, please contact your local LIHEAP provider directly. You can find the contact information here.

  • For your security, upload all of the required documentation through this website. Please do not send any documents or proof of eligibility outside of this site. This site is secured by industry-leading security protocol to keep your information safe.

    To add more documentation to your application, please login to view your application status page here and follow the instructions to upload documents. If you have any questions, please contact your local LIHEAP provider directly. You can find the contact information here.

  • For questions about the decision on your application, please contact your local LIHEAP provider. Information about how to do so is included with your decision letter.

  • For questions about your application, call your local LIHEAP provider. You can find the contact information here.